Friday, November 18, 2005 - House Democrat calls for immediate troop withdrawal - Nov 17, 2005

First Clinton now Murtha,
the vultures are moving in for the kill.

Why couldn't the democrats have done this earlier?
What alarms me is the way that the democrats are arguing against torture on the grounds that it doesn't work rather than it being wrong.
I would rather vote Mcain for the next president if I were an American. - House Democrat calls for immediate troop withdrawal - Nov 17, 2005: "'It is time for a change in direction. Our military is suffering, the future of our country is at risk. We cannot continue on the present course. It is evident that continued military action in Iraq is not in the best interests of the United States of America, the Iraqi people or the Persian Gulf region,' Murtha said."

1 comment:

Guy Jean said...

Why couldn't the democrats have done this earlier?
Obviously, because the only purpose for supporting the war is for partisan political purposes. Now that Bush is weakening, it's time to bring this issue out and profit from it. Again, for partisan political benefit. The Iraqis get fucked either way.

By the way, you and readers might be interested in this book, now available completely online. Despite the title, it gives an excellent overview of the development of the kind of sick, "systems" thinking that we see again and again in politics (Katrina debacle, Iraq debacle, etc. etc). The history of American Education is to a large extent, as seen by this award-winning teacher anyway, the story of how business and corporate interests hijacked education, and gave us all schooling instead. If you're interested in how we got where we are now, in terms of education and politics and the environment, and pretty much everything else, read it.