Wednesday, November 09, 2005

AlterNet: Bush Gives Management a Bad Name

This is meant to be a funny story about the pathetic "Heckofajob" Brownie and other American managers of disaster.

I have picked out the amazing figures of how the barbarians are using their money in Iraq and Afghanistan.

AlterNet: Bush Gives Management a Bad Name: "After two-and-a-half years and $30 billion, electricity in Baghdad is on intermittently, just as it was two-and-a-half years and $30 billion ago.

So you figure, 'Of course nothing's getting done -- there's an insurgency, the country's sliding into chaos.' Let's look to Afghanistan, where peace reigns. How goes the rebuilding there? Oops. According to The New York Times, a New Jersey company got the contract to build 96 health clinics and schools by September 2004. To date, nine clinics and two schools have been completed and passed inspection."

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