Friday, December 09, 2005

No honour left in Bush's war machine. Better to die!

A military ethicist with a Phd in philosophy killed himself in Iraq, depressed at the way profit has replaced honour among Americans.

A psychologist analysing his death found him rigid in failing to understand the importance of profit.

Given the murderous thieving thugs who the American military employ to do their work for them in Iraq, it is not surprising to me he found his life dishonoured.

A recent film of mercenaries spraying autonatic weapons at random at Iraqi civilians just about sums it all up.

There is no room for an honourable man among the barbarains.

A Journey That Ended in Anguish - Los Angeles Times: "In e-mails to his family, Westhusing seemed especially upset by one conclusion he had reached: that traditional military values such as duty, honor and country had been replaced by profit motives in Iraq, where the U.S. had come to rely heavily on contractors for jobs once done by the military.

His death stunned all who knew him. Colleagues and commanders wondered whether they had missed signs of depression. He had been losing weight and not sleeping well. But only a day before his death, Westhusing won praise from a senior officer for his progress in training Iraqi police."

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