Friday, April 08, 2005

BBC NEWS | Programmes | wtwtgod | No Popery

BBC NEWS | Programmes | wtwtgod | UK among most secular nations

The pope is laid to rest today. The incense will be hanging thick in the air.

The protestant heir to the British throne postpones his wedding to attend the funeral. Will the funeral baked meats coldly furnish forth his marriage table?
Not unless they allow doggy bags on the plane home.

We in Blairy England do not care for religion much any more says the BBC survey.

We believe in God far less than most, and think there would be less war without religions.

We have only to look across to Northern Ireland, where Catholics and protestants have been murdering each other for centuries, to see the disadvantages of relion's tendency to bigotry.

But even the politician Ian Paisley, famous for saying No to everything and especially NO POPERY has expressed sympathy for this Pope.

Today I am going to resist naming all the things the Pope stopped happening that might have been helpful to us on this planet. Forgive me if I don't add to the eulogy though.

On a day of solemnity I will dare to add a touch of lightness.

"Why don't they allow perfume in protestant houses in Northern Ireland?" said the tourist.

"We must have no pot pouri." said her host.

Keep the faith!

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