Thursday, September 22, 2005

Peace & Progress - A Party for Human Rights

Peace and Progress! Some hope!

As the Lib Dems spokesman suggests that police murder of an innocent man is just an operational matter and cosies up to Blair on terrorism a peace and progress party seems a bit like a snow ball in hell.

There is a big protest march in London on Saturday for "Peace and Liberty"
There are no prospects for peace and our Liberty is slipping away.

"Even taking that to be a reasonable approach to the crisis facing Britain, in reality, the political manipulation of the law and those entrusted with the responsibility to apply it, represents a far greater danger to the security of the nation and to democracy than abiding by the principles embedded in the international conventions introduced after the Second World War. In the light of the events in London in July 2005, we need to give even greater attention to Lord Hoffmann’s warning than we did before those awful events had taken place."