Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Simultaneous Policy - Voting for Global Peace & Justice

The Simultaneous Policy - Voting for Global Peace & Justice: "Use Your Vote to
Take Back the World!
Adopt the Simultaneous Policy.
If you're tired of being 'anti- anti- anti-'� anti-globalization, anti-unfair trade, anti-unilateralism, and anti-1001 other things that are wrong with the world today � adopt SP and exercise your ability to be for a new world order founded on international cooperation and goodwill.
The Simultaneous Policy has as its ultimate aim the transformation of the international economy such that it operates in harmony with the global natural environment and with the needs of human nature.
John Bunzl
Founder & Director, International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (ISPO)"

I have signed up to SIMPOL and recommend it to readers of this blog. Press your MP to adopt it as part of his bid to be elected.

If we are to have an effect globally we must think and act locally.

Do it NOW!

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