Thursday, March 31, 2005

Global Consciousness Project -- consciousness, group consciousness, mind

Global Consciousness Project -- consciousness, group consciousness, mind: "Our most prodigious thinkers have seen us, humanity, as the culmination of creation, and this may be an acceptable view if we somehow fulfill our creative destiny. But there may be very little time, really, for growing up and reaching for the best we can be. The Earth, the beautifully balanced ecosystem, is badly damaged already from our point of view (whenever we look beyond the ends of our material noses to our future). Ironically and sadly, all the responsibility for the damage is ours -- we have grown too quickly capable and too slowly wise -- and rescue and repair are up to us, entirely.

We are not, thank goodness, utterly without insight. A small number of voices have always spoken out to teach, and to urge necessary actions. Here, a poignant and striking, terribly clear description of where we are and what we must now do, is presented as Four Prophecies given in 1920 by the American Indian medicine man, Stalking Wolf.
And here, a more recent note expressing a deeply felt dismay that we can hope will stimulate more and more of us to turn away from the Mauling of America that we have been teaching ourselves as if it were a good way of life. "

I have been agitating about how bad things are. The current solutions offered by our politicians will not save our planet. But just as our potential to destroy has increased remarkably, our potential to create has increased vastly also. Many of us felt dispirited when vast marches of the people of the planet could not stop the war crimes of Bush and Blair, and that 2 million of us marching through London nade no difference at all.

Take a look at the science of this project for Global Consciousness. We can make a difference, a creative difference.

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