Wednesday, June 27, 2007

the last post

So it is goodbye to Mr Blair, the prime minister, and goodbye to Blairy England the blog and the country as ruled by Blair.

I finally managed to publish some of my recorded poetry about this war criminal, cheat, lyer accomplice to mass murder, and master of manipulation.

If this country is a less safe secure honest predictable and honorable place ten years on it is due more than anything to what he has done to our political and social life.
If we are more prosperous, and we are, it is more due to Mr Brown, who took over as prime minister today.

There should be a war crimes trial for Blair. Maybe there will. He certainly has Iraq written in blood where his legacy should be.

For myself and my family.... we move on. We are in great shape, never better. Gill, I, the boys and the girls are all thriving. We have begun to do so in these last months as the reins of power have perhaps coincidentally been slipping from Blair's hands.

Gill is really well for the first time since we met. Joel can read and cope well at school. Holly has passed her Teaching Internship and is now qualified to start her new job in the top Catholic girls school in the country,
Rosie has grade 5 in music theatre and is looking confident and unaggressive for the first time.

I am winning contracts for work and selling my books and pictures.

Goodbye Mr Blair.

Farewell to Blairy England.